What has India Given to the World?

Often, when society looks at India, they see first the overwhelming poverty: the slums, the lack of sanitation, the starving children… But what many of us forget or never knew to begin with is just how much India has contributed to our world as a whole. In addition to never having invaded a country in her last 10,000 years of… Read more →

Meet Fiona: One of our Kerala Volunteers!

Fiona has been at the school for about a week now, and we’re so grateful to have her!  Her teaching experience, positive attitude, and love for traveling make her a perfect fit for our program!  Here’s a word from Fiona… “My name’s Fiona, I’m 26 and from Manchester, England. I love travelling, beaches, cycling and coffee. I’ve just spent a… Read more →

Meet Geneva: Our Newest Kerala Volunteer!

Kerala Volunteer feels extremely lucky to have Geneva Heaps joining our team!  Here’s a note from Geneva… “My name is Geneva Heaps. I am 21 years old from Spokane, WA. I am currently a junior at the University of Montana. Right now my major is Cultural and Ethnic Diversity (Anthropology) with a triple minor in International and Development Studies, South and Southeast… Read more →

On Mother’s Day & Every Day..

  I’ve been waiting until the dust settles- both figuratively and literally. Not just after Mother’s Day, but after the ground shook Nepal so hard that it killed over 8,000 people, injured over 17,000, destroyed 10% of homes, and affected a quarter of the country. I’ve been waiting because we all remember Kony 2012, and increasing incidents of slacktivism, when… Read more →

Why be a Kerala Volunteer?

With all the talk about whether or not “voluntourism” is a good thing and the realization that there are a plethora of white westerners attempting to “save” those less privileged, (and often darker skinned) than them- sometimes doing more harm than good, you may be wondering if Kerala Volunteer is even worthwhile.  Take a look at 5, (of many,) reasons… Read more →